MSX.emu is an MSX computer and Colecovision emulator based on blueMSX
Initial Setup (Only needed to run disk images or Coleco ROMs):
Download the file below
Unzip to any folder on your device
Select the MSX.emu folder via Options -> File Paths -> BIOS -> Select Folder
You can add/edit additional machine definitions from blueMSX as needed
About Saved Data:
Any data written to floppy disks is saved if the disk isn't zipped
Save states use blueMSX .sta file format, the machine type and current IO devices are saved and must all be present when the state is loaded
MSX-specific Options:
System Actions
ROM/Disk Control: Insert/eject various media files, including special ROMs like an SCC sound cart or IDE controller
Options -> System
Fast-forward Disk IO: Automatically activate fast-forward mode to hide disk loading times
Default Machine Type: The MSX/Coleco model to use when first opening new content